Alderman's Green Primary School

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Triumph MAT



Geography Curriculum 

Children have opportunities to: 

  • A greater fluency with world knowledge by drawing on an increasing breadth and depth of content and contexts,  
  • Extend from the familiar and concrete to the unfamiliar and abstract;  
  • Make greater sense of the world by organising and connecting information and ideas about people, places, processes and environments;  
  • Work with more complex information about the world, including the relevance of people’s attitudes, values and beliefs  
  • Increase the range and accuracy of pupils’ investigative skills, advancing their ability to select and apply these with increasing independence to geographical enquiry. 
  • An enquiry ‘project’ based on human impact on the geography of the world so that children  
  • Compare British Values with other countries and develop a deeper cultural understanding of countries studied 

This will be underpinned and progressive across Key Stage 1 and 2 through a curriculum that plans for:  

  • A contextual world knowledge of locations, places and geographical features.  
  • An understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain features and distributions, patterns and changes over time and space.  
  • A competence in geographical enquiry, the application of skills in observing, collecting, analysing, mapping and communicating geographical information. 

Geography Curriculum Overview 2023-2024









"The curriculum and the way that is it being taught has certainly engaged children in high quality learning. Pupils were buzzing about geography and it was clear to see them taking their responsibilities as global citizens seriously." - Geography External Review - N.Harwood

 "I look forward to Geography lessons every week! I am really enjoying learning in Geography and want to be a future Geographer because I find it so fascinating and have really enjoyed learning about earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis." - Year 4 Pupil