Alderman's Green Primary School

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At Alderman’s Green, we have created an ambitious, relevant, engaging and enriched curriculum which has been created by us and is bespoke to meet the needs of our children. Our curriculum allows every child to succeed and opens their minds to new experiences beyond their classroom and prepares them to be successful in their school life and beyond.



Our curriculum at Alderman's Green Primary School aims to develop children's understanding of the world around them and prepare them for the next stage of their education. We want all our children to be excited, engaged, challenged and motivated to learn through our curriculum but also able to question and think deeply about what they learn led by our Core Values and our British Values.

The design of our wider curriculum is based on developing children's oracy, having an emotional hook, developing their ability to enquire, critically analyse and evaluate what they have learnt.

The vocabulary we expect children to learn and use is ambitious and provides challenge to all children. Opportunities for talk are woven into lessons within our curriculum and teachers develop children’s working memories to help them learn more and articulate their learning. By the time learners have left Alderman's Green Primary School, they will have mastered a range of both procedural knowledge (skills) and factual knowledge through repeated Assessment for Learning opportunities and deliberate practise with subject leaders ensuring careful planning for progression and depth. Our curriculum is customised to meet the contextual needs of our learners. We want children to understand and be proud of who they are and know what they have learnt has the potential to shape their futures. Our curriculum enables every child leaving our school with a positive image of themselves as a learner and member of their community.

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Calendar

Curriculum Long Term Plan Overview








Our Curriculum Vision at Alderman’s Green Primary:

We believe that every child at Alderman’s Green can achieve. By inspiring each other and encouraging positive relationships, children will thrive, using every moment so that they can all be the very best they can be.

Our Curriculum Aims

Our curriculum is progressive, chronological, conceptual, coherent and broad, building year on year on the skills and knowledge previously acquired, giving children a clear purpose and meaning for what they are learning so that they take pride and gain enjoyment from it. Children will be able to make links and revisit key learning across the curriculum throughout their school years as we have developed a spiral curriculum which will allow children to learn more and remember more.

Within our curriculum, there is a key focus on children having a secure understanding of concepts they have learnt whilst being engaged and enjoying their learning. The curriculum promotes engagement, excitement, and resilience and develops a curiosity beyond the parameters of their classroom. Through doing this, we have created a curriculum that can be accessed by all and help all children to succeed.

The curriculum at Alderman’s Green main aim is to provide a wide range of learning experiences and enrichment opportunities which will allow our children to be the very best that they can be! We want to give our children every opportunity to have high aspirations for themselves and be proud of what they have achieved academically, socially and personally so that they have a strong sense of who they are and their place in society and the wider community.

Our Curriculum Key Drivers

At Alderman’s Green Primary School, our curriculum intent is underpinned by the following four key drivers which reflect the needs of our children.

*Talk - Conversation is vital for children as it helps them build and make links with new
knowledge and existing knowledge which we know our children need lots of opportunities to develop.

*Feel - The emotional hook within lessons which engages children through inspiring or challenging moments. It provides children the opportunity to find their personal meaning and connection within that lesson.


*Question -Developing children to think critically and apply what they have learnt to wider or new experiences. Through questioning, we are allowing our children to become curious, confident, and resilient learners who develop a rigorous understanding of the learning being taught.

*Reflect - Children can reflect on what they have learnt and how this will now make a difference within their knowledge and understanding. They will be able to reflect on rich vocabulary, knowledge gained and critically make links between ideas and concepts across the different subjects.