Alderman's Green Primary School

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Triumph MAT

Early Years Foundation Stage




At Alderman's Green Primary we want to give children the very best start to their school life and education. The staff build positive relationships with the children that nurture them to become confident, independent learners. We believe that through excellent teaching and a high quality provision, tailored to children's individual needs, all children will make strong progress across the curriculum securing a good level of development to build all future learning on. 

Our curriculum helps children learn about themselves and the world around them, we have books, stories and talk at the heart of our curriculum. Learning is practical and play based, taking place both indoors and outdoors. Children have choice and independence in resourcing and initiating their own learning, taking responsibility for their own resources and actions within a safe and supportive environment. Open ended opportunities encourage children to investigate and explore, asking questions and developing possibilities. Adults play and learn alongside the children, skilfully moving children’s learning on through questioning and sustained shared thinking strategies. The children's day includes direct teaching, directed learning tasks, independent play and enquiry and lots of fun!

We strongly believe in parent partnership and have opportunities for you to come and see your child's learning in school and to join us for chat, play, read sessions. 

Early Years Curriculum Progress Models

Early Years Policy

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Alderman's Green Checkpoints

Early Years Curriculum Plans

Nursery Long Term Plan




As a school we are delighted to be recognised by Early Excellence as a Partner School for 2024/25, to host events and share good practice in our area.
Early Excellence are a highly regarded organisation that promote inspirational learning, offering School Improvement & Bespoke Consultancy as well as educational resource solutions focused on early primary EYFS & KS1.