Alderman's Green Primary School

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Science at  Alderman's Green Primary School

In Science at Alderman’s Green, children have opportunities to develop a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring the specific scientific skills that will enable them to become the best scientists they can be, today and for the future.

Scientific knowledge and skills are embedded throughout each of our topics and built on progressively year on year. These are then further enhanced during events and opportunities such as British Science Week.

Children are taught to develop a curiosity for the world around them, through the use and development of their observation, investigation, independence and scientific questioning skills. Pupils are also equipped with the specialist vocabulary that they will need to speak confidently about their learning, both within school and as they encounter Science in the real world.

Please see our Science Schemes below:

Science Intent

Science Curriculum

Science Topic Overview

Our lessons are underpinned by the following key scientific skills we want children to develop as Scientists during their time at Alderman's Green Primary School. These are displayed in all classrooms and used in keynotes so that children consistently have the opportunity to develop their understanding and ability to explain their learning within science lessons:












"Alderman's Green Science lessons provide a curriculum which connects with children and promotes their curiosity, opinion and engagement. The clear intent is demonstrated consistently across  the curriculum and modelled by all staff." - External Curriculum Review