Alderman's Green Primary School

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The governors and staff at Alderman’s Green  Primary School are united in their belief that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to make the most of the educational opportunities available to them.

Attendance Policy 2024

Alderman’s Green Primary School is committed to developing a school culture and climate which builds a sense of connectedness and belonging, to ensure all children can attend school and thrive. Ensuring excellent attendance is a collective responsibility that is prioritised as we know the positive impact it has on children's lives now and in their futures. We build solid working relationships with children and families to enable children to fully access their education in school.


We recognise that attendance is a matter for the whole school community. We follow a staged approach which recognises successes but also allows us to swiftly identify and overcome any barriers to children attending school regularly.  

There is a strong relationship between good school attendance and achieving positive outcomes for children. It is recognised that attending school regularly can be a protective factor for children and young people. It is important that as a school we offer a safe environment, positive relationships, high quality teaching and learning opportunities to develop social and emotional skills.


Ensuring that children attend school every day will help achieve this ambition by maximising their education and social achievements as well as developing self-discipline, organisation and preparedness for the work environment. Improving attendance and reducing absence, especially persistent absence is a priority for our school and Coventry City Council.



Where all other avenues have been exhausted and support is not working or not being engaged with, enforce attendance through statutory intervention: a penalty notice in line with the National Framework or prosecution to protect the pupil’s right to an education.


Research commissioned by the Department for Education shows missing school for even a day can mean a child is less likely to achieve academic growth, which can have a damaging effect on their life chances. As set out in this policy, we will work with families to identify the reasons for poor attendance and try to resolve any difficulties at the earliest opportunity.


If your child is unwell and is unable to attend school then you must contact the school office to report your child’s absence by 9:15am, daily.  We do not authorise holiday during term time. Please report any medical appointments to the school office.

Please see our Attendance Policy for more information.