Fruit and Milk Scheme
The Government funds free milk for all children aged UNDER five in school.
Our milk is supplied by Cool Milk and is delivered fresh, every day. We automatically register your child's name and date of birth to Cool Milk on your behalf, to ensure they can receive their free daily milk. If you do not want your child to receive milk, please let us know.
Although we only receive funding for milk up to your child's fifth birthday, the school currently continues to purchase milk for your child, up to the end of Reception year.
Under the National Fruit Scheme for 4 to 6 year old's, each child is entitled to receive a piece of free fruit each school day. Your child is offered the fruit at break time each day. The purpose of the scheme is to increase your child's daily intake of fruit, so if your child has a packed lunch, you should continue to provide fruit or vegetables within this lunch. If you do not wish your child to participate in this scheme, please let us know.
We are using additional funding to provide free fruit for children in Key Stage 2.
We are a healthy eating school and at playtime children should have a healthy snack (no crisps or sweets or chocolate bars).
We are a nut free school. Please do not send your child in with any nut based products. If your child has any allergies, you can inform the school using the Arbor parent portal or contact the school office.