Alderman's Green Primary School

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We Are Part OfTriumph MAT

Physical Education

We place great importance on PE here at Alderman’s Green. The introduction of the Primary PE and Sport Premium has allowed the profile of sport to be raised across the school and indeed it is starting to be used as a tool for whole school improvement.

All pupils take part in regular physical activity, whether that be with our specialist PE staff, class teachers or during dinner time or after school, as part of an inclusive and varied program of different activities and clubs on offer.

Alderman’s Green are now a Real PE school, this is an inclusive approach to PE that allows all children to progress and develop in a holistic way.

We think about the whole child and what they need in order for them to get the most from PE. That means considering personal and social skills and values alongside working on developing their basic physical skills.

 We consider this approach gives children the essential foundations to build upon. This is the job of our Specialist PE Team. They provide opportunities for children to experience competition and participate in a number of different sports and games at all levels.

It is our aim and ambition that all children should get to represent the school at some level and feel that they are truly part of The Alderman’s Green Team!

We are lucky that we participate in lots of competitions and Events through the School Games format. We have also launched the Triumph Trust Cup this year, where we regularly meet and compete with Courthouse Green Primary School. This has been a brilliant success, the children love it and it has given increasingly more children the chance to put on the Alderman’s Green jersey!

Our commitment to offering the children at Alderman’s Green such opportunities and experiences is reflected in the Awarding of a Sainsbury’s Games Gold Kitemark.


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